Morandi (Romanian pop), within O2 Your Country Live
Toate categoriileEvenimente culturale Evenimente oficiale Evenimente ale comunitatii Petreceri romanesti Evenimente diverse FC Romania
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Duration: 4 Hours, 59 Minutes
Petreceri romanesti*
19.00, IndigO2, The O2 Arena, Peninsula Square, London, SE10 0DX; Tel. 020 8463 2000
Tickets: Text MYSLO to 67777 for a chance for you and a friend to see Morandi and Polish band Myslovitz live at the IndigO2
Romanian pop sensation Morandi come to London. Currently number one at home in Romania with the stand out track
Tickets: Text MYSLO to 67777 for a chance for you and a friend to see Morandi and Polish band Myslovitz live at the IndigO2
Romanian pop sensation Morandi come to London. Currently number one at home in Romania with the stand out track