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- How to Introduce Your New Dog to Your Resident Cat
How to Introduce Your New Dog to Your Resident Cat
- michaelasi
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You will have better chance of success if your dog is a puppy. A puppy who grows up with a cat is likely to see the cat as part of the pack.
You will have less chance of success if:
Your dog has an aggressive or predatory nature. An aggressive dog can seriously injure or kill a cat.
Your cat is a small kitten, or is declawed, handicapped, or elderly. A kitten can be injured by an overly playful dog. Declawed, older, or handicapped cats are less equipped to defend themsleves.
Preparation steps - Important!
Get to know your dog and cat well. Be able to interpret their body language and sense their moods.
Your dog should be well-trained, and respond to commands to come, stay, and sit.
You should also know how to blend mild discipline and positive redirection to gently influence your cat\'s behavior.
Do not proceed with the introduction until you have completed the steps in this section.
The Introduction
Beforehand, exercise your dog and feed him a nice meal; put him in a relaxed mood. Put your dog on a short leash or in his crate.
Put your cat in her carrier if she\'s a scaredy-cat by nature; otherwise let her walk around. Be armed with lots of treats for good behavior.
Let dog and cat check each other out at a distance. Pet and talk to your dog soothingly. It\'s not time for dog to approach cat just yet. Give your dog and cat some treats and praise as rewards.
If your dog bolts toward your cat, correct him with the leash. If he shows any signs of excessive excitability, calm him. If this doesn\'t do the trick, cut the visit short and try again later.
Repeat these short visits several times a day, gradually giving your dog more leash as appropriate.
Do not move to the next phase until you have several consecutive days of incident-free visits in which both animals demonstrate to your satisfaction that they are comfortable with each other.
Proceed with Caution
Once your dog and cat consistently get along during leashed visits, you\'re ready for the next step. Take your dog off the leash, and supervise the two closely. If you see problems, and they don\'t abate with a few simple voice commands, back up to the previous phase for a few days. Gradually make the no-leash sessions longer. Do not leave the cat and dog alone until you\'re sure they\'re both fully comfortable with each other and there will be no trouble. Make sure your cat has places she can jump to for safety. Make some private space in your home for each animal. Use cat doors or baby gates if practical, as well as gentle discipline and rewards to enforce the rules. Keep kitty\'s litter box and food bowl out of your dog\'s reach.
Now relax and give these guys some hugs.
When it Doesn\'t Work Out
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, it wasn\'t meant to be. Some dogs are simply too dangerous to be around cats (occasionally the reverse is true). If your gut is telling you that this isn\'t working out, respect that message. The humane thing to do in this case is contact the shelter or breeder so that you can find a good cat-free home for the dog. In the interim, keep dog and cat separated and give them both lots of love.
Dogs and cats can usually live together peacefully, although creating a harmonious \"blended family\" requires some planning, patience, and careful guidance on your part. In some cases your dog and cat will become best friends. Some dogs unfortunately will be too dangerous for your cat, and one of the most important points of this article is that you need to recognize when this is the case. This sheet specifically is about introducing a new dog to a resident cat; a separate (though similar) article will talk about introducing a new cat to a family dog.
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- Elena 2001
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When it Doesn\'t Work Out
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, it wasn\'t meant to be. Some dogs are simply too dangerous to be around cats (occasionally the reverse is true). If your gut is telling you that this isn\'t working out, respect that message.
Dogs and cats can usually live together peacefully, although creating a harmonious \"blended family\" requires some planning, patience, and careful guidance on your part. In some cases your dog and cat will become best friends. Some dogs unfortunately will be too dangerous for your cat, and one of the most important points of this article is that you need to recognize when this is the case. This sheet specifically is about introducing a new dog to a resident cat; a separate (though similar) article will talk about introducing a new cat to a family dog.
- Ce de articole din astea am citit pe net ...........am pierdut socoteala. Catelusa si motanul tot ce stiu ei fac - catelusa vrea sa sara pe motan sa-l \'cunoasca\' mai bine si eventual sa se joace cu el, iar motanul se uita la \'creatura\' si se gindeste \'oare ce s-a intimplat cu servitorii mei umani de au adus asa ceva pe teritoriul meu?\'
Noroc insa ca avem parter si etaj - altfel ar fi fost dezastru. Motanul doarme la etaj si a invatat sa nu mai vina tiptil pe scari tocmai jos in sufragerie unde catelusa este la largul ei, iar catelusa stie clar din prima zi cind a ajuns aici ca are voie numai la parter, nu si la etaj. Asta a fost la inceput din cauza ca nu puteam sa ne \'impiedicam\' de ea in toate camerele din casa, ar fi fost foarte greu de monitorizat daca ar fi avut acces peste tot si ... nu in ultimul rind, cum a ajuns sus (da, a fugit!) a si facut un kk pe covor in dormitorul din fata si un pp pe traversa din dormitorul din spate. Astfel incit, ea singura a pecetluit hotarirea - daca ar fi fost mai \'atenta\' s-ar putea ca noi sa fi fost mai indulgenti cu ea, dar asa e perfect deoarece nu am mai fi putut sa ne descurcam cu doua animale care nu se suporta in aceeasi incapere.
La inceput facea urit de tot catelusa - o luam in brate sa nu se repeada la el si tremura de nervi si anticipatie din toate incheieturile. Acum s-au mai domolit - amindoi. Ii mai tinem citeodata seara cind ne uitam la televizor - catelusa e pe canapea cu lesa legata de mina ori piciorul unuia din noi, iar motanul, complet relaxat, incolacit pe un scaun la 3 metri distanta - ce ne mai miram de asa \'progres\' :)
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- michaelasi
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- Elena 2001
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